di Syd Barrett
She Took A Long Cool Look Lyrics
She took a long cold look at me
And smiled and gazed all over my arm
She loves to see me get down to ground
She hasn’t time just to be with me
Her face between all she means to be
To be extreme, just to be extreme
A broken pier on the wavy sea
She wonders why for she wants to see
But I got up and I stomped around
And hid the piece where the trees touch the ground
The end of truth that lay out the time
Spent lazing here on a painting dream
A mile an’ more in a foreign clime
To see farther inside of me
And looking high up into the sky
I breathe as the water streams all over me
That showed
- Pubblicata il 2 Gennaio del 1970 nell’album The Madcap Laughs (1:55)
- Pubblicata nel box Crazy Diamond del 1993 la take 4 (2:44)
- Pubblicata nella raccolta An Introduction To Syd Barrett del 2010 il nuovo mix 2010 (1:48)